Hata mesajı

Deprecated function: book_prev() (/var/www/vhosts/utafs.com/httpdocs/modules/book/book.module dosyasının 775 satırı) içinde The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls.


More than 280 actions are designed to prepare test scenarios. A great majority of these actions work without any problem on every device. But for performing the below actions, device certificates must be defined:

  1. Reboot Device
  2. Power Off Device
  3. Remove E-Mail Account 
  4. Set Flight Mode On
  5. Set Flight Mode Off
  6. Set Brightness Value
  7. Set Brightness Percentage
  8. Increase Brightness Percentage
  9. Decrease Brightness Percentage

After identifying a device once, uTAFS recognizes the device certificates automatically at further version upgrades and keeps on operating without any problem. For identfying a device certificate please follow the steps below:



  1. Open the Cerificates Screen by clicking the icon at uTAFS Manager Screen. Connect the device which will be identified.
  2. Enter the device name.
  3. Enter the notes and descriptions.


  4. Identfy platform.pk8. Find the cerificates directory existing in your computer by clicking search button. Then click on the correct device model and click on platform.pk8. This action will bring the adress of the directory on Certificates Screen.
  5. Identfy platform.x509.pem. Find the cerificates directory existing in your computer by clicking search button. Then click on the correct device model and click on platform.x509.pem. This action will bring the adress of the directory on Certificates Screen.
  6. Enter device's market name or ID in ID / Name section. Then click 'Read Device' Button. Product Name, Model Name, Device Name and OS Version will be written on the related section automatically.
  7. Save and leave the screen.


Possible errors which may occur while running tests are:

  1. Identfying incorrect certificate to a connected device. In this case, related record must be deleted and correct certificate must be identfied again.


  2. If uTAFS was installed to the device before identfying the certificate, remove uTAFS manually and install again.


  3. If uTAFS was installed to the device with certificate and you want to operate without certificate. Remove uTAFS manually and install again without certificate identification.